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Blessed Christopher Wharton Catholic Academy Trust

Strategic Plan


Our Strategic Plan will...

  • Protect, secure and develop further the distinctiveness and authenticity of Catholic education in the BCWCAT.
  • Embed an established culture of continuous school improvement which ensures the BCWCAT is recognised as a flagship CMAT where pupil outcomes are above national figures
  • Safeguard and promote the well-being of the whole Trust community; Strengthen governance at all levels in the BCWCAT.
  • Create a sustainable, Trust-wide approach to premises, estates management and procurement which enhance the school estates and provides value for money
  • Further develop and embed Trust-wide recruitment and retention strategies which strengthen the BCWCAT’s position as an employer of choice
  • Ensure effective stewardship of the financial resources entrusted to the BCWCAT

Strategic Objectives & KPIs

Serving our God

 By serving God we will protect, secure and further develop the distinctiveness of Catholic education in the BCWCAT

  • The Catholic Life and Mission in all schools to be exemplary.
  • ·All schools provide high quality R.E in all classrooms, developed through CPD relating to faith formation.
  • All children participate in high quality, spiritual experiences (including celebration of the Word) reflecting the Mission of the BCWCAT
  • All schools to be judged as Good or Outstanding by S48 inspectors.
  • All schools provide opportunities for children to make connections with and learn the principles of Catholic Social Teachings.

 Serving our Children

By serving our children we will embed an established culture of continuous school improvement which ensures the BCWCAT is recognised as a flagship CMAT where pupil outcomes are in line with, or above national figures.

  • Trust averages to be in line with or exceed national at the end of all Key Stages.
  • All schools to be judged as at least Good or Outstanding in Ofsted and S48 inspections.
  • Exemplary learning behaviour in all schools
  • All schools to have attendance in line or above national.
  • All schools to have a culture of, and compliance in Safeguarding.
  • All schools to provide high quality teaching and learning environments for children with SEND
  • All schools have a Catholic Curriculum which is knowledge rich.
  • Pupil and parent surveys report in high numbers that they feel safe and supported within our schools.
  • Policies, procedures and training are in place for our staff, Governors and Directors to ensure our safeguarding culture is embedded.

Serving our People

By serving our people we will safeguard and promote the well-being of the whole Trust community.

  • All stakeholders to have access to high quality CPD.
  • All stakeholders to be served by an excellent Recruitment & Retention strategy.
  • Policies & Procedures that are that are fit for purpose and applied consistently across the Trust.
  • Develop and embed the well-being charter.
  • Develop a consistent approach to pay and reward across the Trust.
  • Pay & Reward

Serving our Leaders

By serving our leaders they will be developed and supported in the functions of their leadership and the practice of their faith, so that they can build effective Catholic learning communities.

  • Implement and embed the Servant Leadership Programme to develop Catholic leadership at all levels.
  • Ensure all Trust schools are accessing accredited qualifications for all levels of teaching and leadership.
  • Provide opportunities for Trust staff to engage with colleagues through regular Networks which impact on excellence in learning.
  • Continue to provide opportunities for Leaders to participate in effective and collaboration with other Trust schools.
  • Embed a bespoke package of professional development and support for aspiring Headteachers.
  • Improve a culture of shared improvement between the central team and school leaders.
  • Introduce shared working and collaboration between secondary and primary schools.
  • Develop a SENDCO Learning and Collaboration Strategy, ensuring leadership of SEND provides exceptional provision and pupil progress.
  • Implement a Governance strategy, ensuring the Local Academy Councils work efficiently with Schools and the Trust Board.

Serving our Family of Schools

By serving our Family of Schools we will provide support from the skilled central team, ensuring financial management is robust and that resources are effectively distributed.

  • Provide effective and efficient financial support and challenge to all schools.
  • Implement a high quality centrally managed IT service
  • Improved management of risk to be embedded to safeguard the Trust.
  • Implement a Trust Wide CPD Strategy for Safeguarding
  • A clear commitment to engagement with the Parish communities of each school across the Trust

 Serving our Environment

By serving our environment we will invest in our school facilities to ensure we provide safe, secure, pleasant, and accessible schools where all our children can develop and reach their full potential in an inspiring learning environment.

  • Provide safe and well-maintained premises.
  • Invest our funding in teaching facilities and learning resources to maximise the benefit to children and staff
  • Plan spending and anticipate future demands to ensure we deliver a positive pupil experience.
  • Effective management of available funding to ensure value for money
  • Plan for Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in all areas of operations to provide environmentally friendly schools that satisfy community expectations

View the full document here:

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